Midnight Ride: Day of Atonement- The Shadow Prophecy for the End Times and Judgment of Mankind ForYouTube

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David Carrico and Jon Pounders

The Day of Atonement has been acted out in ritual long before the birth of Jesus. What can we learn about this ritual and how does it play into our final destination?
Things discussed:
Hebrew Atonement Ritual
Scapegoat (Azazel)
Great White Throne of Judgment
Strange Fire

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  1. Please help me understand the following:
    If Jesus is coming as a thief in the night, humanity not knowing when He will come.
    Then Jesus is coming like lightning, and all of humanity will see Him.
    Which one is correct?

  2. As a Bride of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, as a Messianic Bondservant Believer. I believe atonement means today, without a temple. We should be searching deep into our own souls. Atone to Elohiym of YIsrael, for all of our Sins in the past year. Pray for forgiveness, when you look under the surface of most Sins. You'll find Pride. Atonement should also be looking into yourself and finding those bad habits that are causing us to be at arms length from our Creator. Messianic, Nazarene and Christian Believers are to be Set-Aside people. We are to show the world how a person can live under the Law of Torah, Through the Grace of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. We are supposed to be the true Priest of the world.

  3. As the Bride of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, we are to be Humble Set-Aside Bondservants, doing the will of 讬讛讜讛. As prescribed in The Torah.

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  4. I was 12 when I got saved… and I didn't need a Pastor to tell me I'd been saved. I knew it better than I knew my own name. But the first sign of prosecution I told Christ I couldn't do this…that I would come back to him later. I've been studying Torah now going on 4 years but I haven't received that pure, clean feeling I got when I was 12. I left the drugs, the adulterous life style and trying to live my life to be pleasing to my Saviour. But His Peace is not with me

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